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Faith Based Adoption-discerning God's will for your adoption pathway


Faith Based Adoption-what is that anyway?

What is faith based adoption? How do I balance my needs with that of what I think is God's will? This is a probably the hardest question I grappled with in our adoption!

Seven years ago my son and I went on a tandem bike ride on Catalina Island that totally changed the trajectory of our adoption. In fact, I titled my first book based on that fateful ride. This summer we headed back to my favorite island get-away.

If I'm not driving, I'm not going...

Alex is older and, in certain ways, wiser now. Last time I invited him on a tandem bike ride and he blindly hopped on the back seat and was in for a big surprise. Those back handle bars don't turn. All he could do is pedal. He unknowingly relinquished control the minute he sat in the back seat. Thirteen now, I suggested to him that we ride tandem again. His response, "Mom, if I'm not driving I'm not going."

At the start of our adoption, my prayers to God mimicked Alex's words, "God, if I'm not driving, I'm not going. There was a distinctive pull of me wanting our adoption to look like "that" and happen like "this"...and then God pushed in a totally different direction. But I didn't want to feel out of control.

What changed? How did my husband and I get to a point of allowing-even inviting the lord to be in the front seat of our adoption?

1. Time

2. Prayer

3. Reading, hearing & listening to His word.

The Lord himself goes before you...

Deuteronomy 31:8-"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you." I clung to the reassurance was that He was going out front, making the path smooth to our child. We put our faith in His hands-knowing that He already had our child in mind. We fully trusted that at the end of this journey He would gently place our child in our arms.

If you are struggling with the decision to adopt, which route to take, how long it will take, how much money it might cost-allowing the Lord to be in the drivers seat will make all the difference. Take a breath friend, hop in the back seat-all you have to do is pedal.

Scripture for the Road

Deuteronomy 31:8

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you.

-Alison England, LMSW     Author of Best-Selling Book in Adoption-Tandem: A Devotional for Adopting with God in the Lead

I would love to encourage you along your adoption path! Click here to find Tandem on Facebook or find encouragement on Instagram @riding.tandem